Kimberly Toscano
Southwest Regional Reports
Peak-Season Perennials for the Southern Plains
While we would all ideally have gardens that look at their peak in every season, the reality is often far from that ideal. Very few of us have all the…
Southwest Regional Reports
Planning a Firewise Landscape
With urban expansion pushing communities farther into natural areas, wildfires are growing more and more problematic for homeowners. Subdivisions and individual homes surrounded by natural landscapes face special wildfire risks.…
Southwest Regional Reports
Growing Blackberries in Southern Gardens
Blackberries are a rewarding crop to grow and one that tolerates the high heat of the Southern Plains. In recent years, improvements in pest resistance and reduced chilling requirements of…
Southwest Regional Reports
How to Protect Broadleaf Evergreens from Winter Damage
Broadleaf evergreens such as southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora and cvs., Zones 6–10) are a welcome sight in winter, adding color to the dormant landscape. These plants, however, are often susceptible…
Southwest Regional Reports
Hardy Shrubs With Showy Berries
Looking to brighten up the fall and winter garden? Consider adding fruit-producing shrubs to your plant palette. Flowering shrubs that develop colorful fall and winter berries not only add beauty…
Southwest Regional Reports
Growing Shallots in the Southern Plains
Shallots (Allium cepa var. aggregatum and cvs.) are expensive to purchase in the store, which is one reason I like to grow my own. A member of the allium or…
Southwest Regional Reports
Plants to Fuel Migrating Birds in the Southern Plains
Late summer through autumn, millions of birds pass through the Southern Plains on their migration to southern wintering grounds. Birds follow four main paths as they migrate. The Southern Plains…
Southwest Regional Reports
Best Summer-Flowering Plants for Texas and Other Drought-Prone Areas
As temperatures soar, many plants turn to survival mode. Annuals and perennials that may have bloomed with abandon in May or June shut down production until cooler temperatures return. But…
Southwest Regional Reports
Plants With Golden Foliage That Stand Up to the Summer Sun
Go for the gold this summer with stunning golden foliage. All too often the intense sun and heat of summer on the Southern Plains causes yellow foliage to turn a…
Southwest Regional Reports
Pretty Penstemon Varieties for Pollinators in the Southern Plains
When it comes to underappreciated perennials that deserve more attention, penstemon, or beardtongue (Penstemon spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9) is among those at the top of my list. This genus…